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English translation for "absorbing resistor"


Related Translations:
absorbed:  adj.注意集中的,一心一意的。 with absorbed interest 充满兴趣地。adv.-ly 一心,专心一意地,一心不乱地。
absorb clots:  化瘀
absorbed burden:  已分配的费用已分配间接费用已分摊间接费用已负担间接成本已吸收费用
absorbing apparatus:  吸收设备吸收仪器吸收装置
absorbing dynamometer:  吸收测功仪
absorbed torque:  (测功器)吸收扭矩被吸收的扭矩, 测力计测出的扭矩吸收转矩
absorbing mechanism:  吸收机构
absorbing inheritance:  吞并遗传性
absorbed gas:  吸附状态气体吸收气吸收状态气体(或瓦斯)
absorbing coefficient:  吸收系数
Example Sentences:
1.In metro system , if the absorbing resistor of the vehicle absorbs the regenerative energy during the train operation , the problem of temperature rise will occur in tunnel and platform , and this will consequently increase the load of environment control system in station , increase considerably the energy consumption and the construction & operation cost
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