English translation for "absorbing resistor"
- 吸收电阻
Related Translations:
absorbed: adj.注意集中的,一心一意的。 with absorbed interest 充满兴趣地。adv.-ly 一心,专心一意地,一心不乱地。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | In metro system , if the absorbing resistor of the vehicle absorbs the regenerative energy during the train operation , the problem of temperature rise will occur in tunnel and platform , and this will consequently increase the load of environment control system in station , increase considerably the energy consumption and the construction & operation cost 摘要在城市轨道交通中,如果采用车辆吸收电阻吸收列车运行过程中的再生能量,则将带来隧道和站台内的温升问题,同时也增加了站内环控系统的负担,造成大量的能源浪费并使城市轨道交通的建设费用和运行费用增加。 |
- Similar Words:
- "absorbing powder" English translation, "absorbing power" English translation, "absorbing power, absorptive power" English translation, "absorbing quality" English translation, "absorbing resistance" English translation, "absorbing rod" English translation, "absorbing root" English translation, "absorbing screen" English translation, "absorbing selector" English translation, "absorbing septum" English translation